Quotes around the library

Before we refurbished our library we had some white spaces around the place. Which were the perfect size for some good library quotes. This meant that I had ALOT of letters to cut out. I lost count of how many letters I ended up cutting out. I was just glad to see the end of it. It’ll be awhile till I cut out that many letters in one go again.

I’ve attached the quote templates so you can print them off on whatever kind a paper you like. Happy cutting out!

Templates :  outside-a-dog    knowledge-is-free     if-you-have-a-garden    a-good-library



BIG things

As we all know kids love BIG things, the bigger they are the better!

So I thought I’d try and create a giant crossword for the kids to do outside the library and… a scrabble board with velcro tiles for inside the library. Both require a bit of fiddling around but if you’re up for a challenge then I recommend making one of these. I’m still using the scrabble board 4 years later and have made quite a few giant crosswords, since the first one was so popular.

Here are the templates that you can print off to make your own Scrabble board. All pages were printed on A4 paper.

scrabble-board – The first page is the outline and to get a board this size you’ll need to print 38 pages of the outline. You will then need to print 16 Double word score tiles, 8 Triple word score tiles, 24 Double letter score tiles and 12 Triple letter tiles.

scrabble-tiles – This template has the correct number of letter tiles so you only need to print this template once.